Artist Interviews 101

By |July 9th, 2024|

In my 40+ year career, I’ve had the pleasure of interviewing a wide variety of artists, from Elvis Costello and Jack White to Beck and Brandi Carlile. Paragon clients have asked me to share some

Earning Back Core Audiences at NPR News Stations

By |June 17th, 2024|

While the headlines about public radio’s staff layoffs create one perception, the efforts inside local NPR News stations remain focused on audience retention and growth.Numerous NPR News stations are 6+ market leaders in the latest

The Digital Handshake: Insights from NON-COMM 2024

By |May 16th, 2024|

I recently had the honor of moderating a panel discussion at NON-COMM in Philadelphia, focusing on "The Digital Handshake." This concept emphasizes the importance of inter-departmental collaboration in public radio to effectively implement digital strategies.

Passing on The Beatles

By |March 14th, 2024|

Three years ago, Sean Ono Lennon was tasked with keeping his parent’s legacy relevant for future generations by creating a music video. His animated film, “War Is Over! Inspired by the music of John and

Coaching Talent Without Confrontation

By |February 28th, 2024|

A highly successful program director whom I was working with in a large market a few years ago reluctantly confided in me that the real reason he had been avoiding critiquing a certain air talent

Are You Ready for Nerd Super Bowl?

By |February 8th, 2024|

Election season has begun. NPR’s Mara Liasson called it on air – Biden and Trump are the presumptive nominees. The four-year election cycle offers big opportunities for public radio news stations to clarify and build