Research is only as good as the data that are collected and only as effective as what is done with it. Paragon provides our clients with thorough audience research accompanied by a comprehensive road map to market share success.

Qualitative interviews allow for the range of opinions to test creative concepts and campaigns and help formulate questions for further exploration…

Like Focus Groups, but in one-on-one moderated sessions, Paragon’s In-Depth Interviews drill down into each respondent for more focused feedback…

Dating back to the early 1980s, Paragon’s Mike Henry and John Stevens were on the forefront of a new frontier called Music Testing…

Paragon’s quantitative Perceptual Studies are the bedrock of our strategic abilities…

Paragon’s Secondary Research uses existing sources of demographic, psychographic, media usage, spending habits, and consumer data to paint a complete picture of your current competitive set or a potential new competitive market…

Focus Groups in a group discussion provide emotional feedback that can only be gained in face-to-face interactions. Qualitative interviews by our consultants allow for the range of opinions to test creative concepts and campaigns and help formulate questions for further exploration.

Like Focus Groups, but in one-on-one moderated sessions, Paragon’s In-Depth Interviews drill down into each respondent for more focused feedback. Professional interviewers know how to ask the right questions and get the answers our clients need to make critical decisions around content, branding, marketing, revenue support, and everything that makes a successful media outlet successful.

Dating back to the early 1980s, Paragon’s Mike Henry and John Stevens were on the forefront of a new frontier called Music Testing. Decades later, we have an entire team that remains on the leading edge of music research to drive the song-by-song decisions that can make or break station ratings.

Led by long-time researchers Sara Schueller, Mike Henry, Simone Lowin, Dave Xaviers, and a staff of experts, Paragon’s quantitative Perceptual Studies are the bedrock of our strategic abilities. Our experience is unmatched, audience opinions are your power, and your power equals market share.

Paragon’s Secondary Research uses existing sources of demographic, psychographic, media usage, spending habits, and consumer data to paint a complete picture of your current competitive set or a potential new competitive market. Sara Schueller has several decades of experience in finding invaluable data that others don’t even know exist.